Monday, November 28, 2011

I’m Unique…

“I believe that every person has uniqueness — something that nobody else has.” What a quote!!! Everything is unique in this life. We can’t see anything or anybody duplicated in this life.  Our Galaxy is unique. Our Solar System is unique. Earth is unique. But why, we people always try to imitate others.
We always try to be like others. For example, I wish to walk like Rajnikanth or I wish to sing like A.R.Rahman. But why don’t we try to be ourself. We are unique in this universe, and we are all blessed with some unique characters. Why shouldn’t we try to find our own uniqueness?

 We begin to cherish ourself only when we begin to cherish our “Originality”.  It seems the plum fruit once said, just because a banana lover came by; it converted itself into a banana.  Unfortunately, his taste changed after a few months and so it became an orange.  When he said it was bitter it became an apple, but he went in search of grapes.  Yielding to the opinions of so many people, it has changed so many times that it no more knew what it is. How much it wished it had remained a plum and waited for a plum lover.

Every seed has in it the potential to become a forest, every rock has in it the potential to become a statue, and every human has in him the potential to become a Legend.  And, we are that sleeping legend.  Wake up to the sleeping potential within us.

We should always cherish ourselves with what we are blessed; as our uniqueness alone will take us all to the state called “Legend”. So let us find our own uniqueness and cherish it and be a Legend of our own.

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